The JavaScript code that added links to the mobile menu on smaller screens is no longer functioning properly

I recently created a website with a mobile navigation menu that should appear when the browser width is less than 1024px. However, I used some JavaScript (with jQuery) to include links to close the menu, but now the site is not displaying these links and the menu is open by default on page load. I'm wondering if I've overlooked something obvious causing this issue?

The live site where this problem occurs is and it's built using WordPress.

var eventFired = 0;

if ($(window).width() < 1024) {
    $('.menu-main-menu-minus-store-container ul').before('<a href="#" class="menutoggle arrow-left">▼</a>');
    $('.menu-main-menu-minus-store-container ul').before('<a href="#" class="menutoggle arrow-right">▼</a>');

} else {
    eventFired = 1;

$(window).on('resize', function () {
    if (!eventFired) {
        if ($(window).width() < 1024) {
            $('.menu-main-menu-minus-store-container ul').before('<a href="#" class="menutoggle arrow-left">▼</a>');
            $('.menu-main-menu-minus-store-container ul').before('<a href="#" class="menutoggle arrow-right">▼</a>');
        } else {

If my question seems unclear or if there's an error in the way I've presented it, I apologize as this is my first time reaching out for help on stackoverflow.

Answer №1

Upon reviewing your website, I noticed that the function "eventfired" is not defined, even though it appears to be defined in the post.

$(window).on('resize', function() {
if (!eventFired) {
    if ($(window).width() < 1024) {
        $('.menu-main-menu-minus-store-container ul').before('<a href="#" class="menutoggle arrow-left">&#x25BC;</a>');
        $('.menu-main-menu-minus-store-container ul').before('<a href="#" class="menutoggle arrow-right">&#x25BC;</a>');
    } else {

You should remove

if(!ebentFired) {}    

or ensure that you add

var eventFired = 0; 

Incorporate this into

I highly recommend using Firebug for troubleshooting purposes. You can download it from:

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