Leveraging basscss through NPM/Webpack installation

As a newcomer to the webpack/react app environment, I am attempting to incorporate the Basscss CSS framework into my project. After successfully running 'npm i basscss' and adding

to my app entry point, I now find myself in need of including basscss-addons for additional styling capabilities.

My question is: Should I add a separate require line for each file in the basscss-addons collection? Given that each addon is housed in its own file with varying folder structures, this approach seems tedious. Surely there must be a more efficient way to handle this.

Answer â„–1

In this blog post about static site generation with React and Webpack, a method is discussed that has been effective in the past. However, it currently relies on cssnext which has been deprecated and replaced by postcss. As a result, users are now encouraged to upgrade to postcss for better performance and compatibility.

Implementing postcss along with postcss-basscss and postcss-import may be necessary to successfully transition away from cssnext. If anyone has experience implementing postcss and can offer tips or advice, please share your insights!

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