The issue with the CSS background gradient is that it fails to completely cover the entire

Despite attempting several solutions recommended in similar questions, I am still unable to resolve the issue. Using the CSS background gradient generator at Ultimate CSS, I found that the gradient only extends halfway down the page on using the style14.css file.

Could anyone provide insights into what I might be doing incorrectly? One potential solution suggested placing the gradient in the "html" instead of the "body" CSS, but this did not yield the desired result.

Thank you!

Answer №1

The issue at hand arises from the fact that your <html> element is not extending to the full height of the page. To resolve this, simply include height:100%; in the styling of the html tag.

By the way, it would be advisable to apply the styles to the body rather than the html tag. It's generally more effective to add styling to the body since that's what you're primarily working with. However, the height:100%; style must still remain in the html tag's styles for the correct display.

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