Having trouble with the CSS `not` selector?

Below is the code snippet I experimented with






      color : #ff0000;

I'd like to make the spans containing span2 and span3 turn red using the not selector

Here is the link to the corresponding Js fiddle example


Answer №1

CSS selector :not only accepts a simple selector as an argument, meaning that complex selectors like div > span cannot be used with it. This limitation prevents you from easily styling elements based on their parent-child relationship in CSS without compromise. To work around this restriction, one approach is to target specific subsets of the desired elements. For instance, if you want to style all spans that do not have a div parent, you can use the following selector:
:not(div) > span { color: red }
In more complex scenarios where this workaround is not possible, another option is to use the "do/undo" trick. By setting the general style for the element and then resetting it for specific cases, you can achieve the desired styling even with limitations:
span { color: red }
div > span { color: inherit }
This technique can be expanded to cover multiple scenarios, but keep in mind that there may be conflicts with other stylesheets when using this method.

Answer №2

The usage of the :not selector is not suitable in this case. It is recommended to utilize the following syntax instead:

body > span { color: red }

Using this single rule is more efficient and cleaner than trying to piece together multiple rules.

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