Previously in Bootstrap 4, these classes were effective. However, I am finding that they are not functioning properly in Bootstrap 5. Any insights as to why this might be happening?
Note: d-block d-lg-flex , text-center text-lg-start text-md-end seem to still be working fine. It appears that only margin and padding related classes are causing issues.
Here is a snippet of the code:
<div class="d-block d-lg-flex justify-content-center flex-row bd-highlight ">
<div class="mb-0 mb-md-3 mb-lg-0">
<div class="dropdown text-center cairo ">
<select x-model="selectedUnits" class="form-select feature_text" aria-label="Default select example">
<option selected="" disabled="">Select unit amount</option>
<option value="myval">1 unit</option>
<option value="myval">1 unit</option>
<option value="myval">1 unit</option>