The intl-tel-input dropdown feature is malfunctioning on mobile browsers

Currently, I have integrated the intl-tel-input library into my project for selecting international telephone numbers from a dropdown menu.

While accessing the application on a web browser, the country flags display correctly with the intended styling. However, they appear differently when viewed on a mobile browser, as shown in the screenshot above. I have included the CSS code for the flags:

background-image: url("../images/<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="97f1fbf6f0e4d7a5efb9e7f9f0">[email protected]</a>");

You can check out a live demonstration of the library here. Any suggestions or insights on this issue?

--------------------- Edit ---------------------

I am currently utilizing International Telephone Input v9.0.5.

Answer №1

After going through the CSS files of the library and trying various other solutions, I eventually fixed the issue by updating the library.

I swapped out the old version of the library for the newest Release v12.1.2. Now, the mobile display looks like this:

Answer №2

For me, the issue wasn't related to the library version, but rather the z-index of the dropdown element. Make sure to review your CSS before exploring alternative fixes.

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