Ways to make ionic slides adhere to column width

I've been immersing myself in learning the latest versions of AngularJS and Ionic through practical application. I am currently working on a page that uses ionic rows and columns to display JSON data. The layout includes a 50/50 column setup, with a text table on the left side and images displayed in an Ionic slider on the right.

However, I have encountered an issue where the Ionic slider does not adhere to the column width, and I am unsure how to resolve this as I am not very familiar with flexbox CSS. In my previous experience with Ionic (v1), I did not face this problem with the ionic-slide-box element.

Below is the HTML template code I am using:




<ion-content padding>

        <ion-col col-50>


        <ion-col col-50>


I have searched through various forums and Stack Overflow for potential solutions to this issue but haven't found one yet. I am hopeful that someone who has encountered this problem before can provide some guidance on how to address it.

Answer №1

Oops, I made a mistake and it's all my fault! I didn't pay enough attention to the recent updates in the Ionic documentation. I just realized that now the Ionic grid columns follow a Bootstrap grid system:

For example, instead of using "col-50", I should be using "col-6" to achieve a 1/2 - 1/2 layout spread.

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