The importance of CSS styling links: the difference between a:link, a:visited and simply using a

Curious about the difference between using:

a { ... }


a:link, a:visited { ... }

Answer №1

If you only apply styling to a {...}, it will affect all anchor elements, including those defined with <a name="..."></a> which create anchors within the page without hyperlink references.

a:link {...} specifically targets hyperlinks. Meanwhile, :visited, :hover, and :active represent different states of these links. Keep in mind that :hover and :active can also be used for other elements.

Answer №2

To create a cohesive look for your links, start with styling the a tag in general. From there, you can add more specific styles using pseudo-classes. For instance:

a {
    text-decoration: none;
    font-weight: bold;

a:link {
    color: #00F;

a:hover {
    color: #F00;

a:visited {
    color: #888;

a:active {
    color: #0F0;

In this scenario, all links appear bold and without underlines. However, each type of link has its own distinct color...

Answer №3

Deciding whether to apply unique styles to visited links compared to normal ones is entirely up to personal preference. You could choose to subtly differentiate them, such as by fading out the color of visited links.

While using just a is sufficient, consider if you want to enhance the user experience by adding specific styling for :visited or :hover links.

Answer №4

The use of :visited in CSS denotes a styling applied to a link that has been previously visited by the user, while :hover is used to style a link when a user hovers over it with their mouse. Utilizing these pseudo-classes is optional and ultimately up to the designer's discretion.

Answer №5

hover is used to style an element when the user hovers over it, while active is used for styling an element being activated by the user's interaction. It's important to distinguish between them in order to provide a better user experience. However, if no special styling is needed, simply using element will suffice.

Answer №6

When it comes to links, the a applies to all while :link and :visited are more specific, referring to different states of those links.

The former targets non-visited links, while the latter focuses on visited ones. For further information, check out

Answer №7

When applying styles to a link, it is important to remember that a:link and a:visited behave differently. While a:link cannot override a default style applied to all links with a {...}, a:visited can. To ensure consistent styling for all states of a link, it is recommended to use a {...}. Additionally, a:link only affects elements with the href attribute specified.

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