The HTML elements in my JSX code seem to constantly shift around whenever I resize my webpage

Using react.js, I'm currently developing a website that appears like this before resizing:


However, upon vertical or diagonal resizing, the layout becomes distorted especially in the 'availability search bar' and navbar options as depicted here:


The screenshots shared are from the homepage of my project. Below is the code for the homepage:

// React component code for homepage...

Here's an insight into the CSS code:

:root {
  /* CSS variables... */

/* Various styling rules... */

Additionally, here's the code for the navigation bar:

// React component code for the navbar...

If I set a min-width: 1000px for the availability-search-container, the elements remain intact when minimizing horizontally. How can I ensure consistent layout stability regardless of vertical, horizontal, or diagonal resizing? Any suggestions on achieving this?

For those interested in exploring the project interactively, feel free to visit it on codesandbox:

Answer №1

It appears that the issue lies within the element called .check-availabilty-container. To address this, consider utilizing min-height rather than height.

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