The hovering event trail feature is not functioning in tsParticles, unlike in particlejs

I have two questions regarding the implementation of tsParticles in my React application. First question:

          background: {
            color: {
              value: "black",
          fpsLimit: 60,
          interactivity: {
            detectsOn: "window",
            events: {
              onClick: {
                enable: true,
                mode: "push",
              onHover: {
                enable: true,
                mode: "trail",
              resize: true,
            modes: {
              bubble: {
                distance: 400,
                duration: 2,
                opacity: 0.8,
                size: 40,
              push: {
                quantity: 4,
              repulse: {
                distance: 200,
                duration: 0.4,
          particles: {
            links: {

                    frequency: 1
              color: "random",
              distance: 150,
              enable: true,
              opacity: 0.5,
              width: 1,
            collisions: {
              enable: true,
            move: {
                    offset: 45,
                    value: 90
                    acceleration: 9.81,
              direction: "none",
              enable: true,
              outMode: "bounce",
              random: false,
              speed: 6,
              straight: false,
            number: {
              density: {
                enable: true,
                value_area: 1000,
              value: 80,
            opacity: {
              value: 0.5,
            shape: {
              type: "circle",
            size: {
              random: true,
              value: 5,
          detectRetina: true,

There is a section for onHover with a key "mode" containing 8 different modes, which can be found on All other modes are functioning correctly except for the trail mode when using this code. Are there additional properties required for the Particles component?

Second question: Additionally, I have two div elements - one for the particles and another for text to display on top of them. I've achieved this using z-index and positioning.

I am looking to make the canvas height dynamic, occupying 100% height of its parent regardless of screen size. I attempted this by placing the Particles component within a div with a height set to 100%, but the canvas height decreases as the screen size shrinks.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)

Answer №1

Impressive! There's a plethora of information to cover here, but I'll do my utmost.

To begin with, let's talk about the config and mouse trail

In order to tailor the mouse trail to your liking, delve into the modes section within interactivity, where you can adjust the trail settings.

A demo is available here for reference:

If more guidance is required, consult the appropriate documentation section:

Moving on to the second point, addressing canvas size

For a dynamically adjustable canvas size, employing the backgroundMode in the root options object proves most effective.

You can view an example here:

Enabling the background mode will establish the canvas style with a fixed position and the specified zIndex

Refer to the documentation provided here for further insights:

When utilizing the backgroundMode, it is recommended not to apply any styles to the encompassing div (the tsParticles target/container) for optimal results.

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