The :hover effect is not supported on iOS devices

I have a basic navigation menu that includes a hover effect:

<nav id="menu">
    <div><a href="#">Home</a></div>
        <a href="#">1</a>
            <div><a href="#">1.1</a></div>
            <div><a href="#">1.2</a></div>
            <div><a href="#">1.3</a></div>

Here is the CSS used for this hover effect:

#menu > div > nav {
    display: none;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 9999;
#menu > div:hover > nav {
    display: block;

However, the :hover state of the menu never goes away. Even after clicking elsewhere on the page, the hover effect persists. Is there a way to remove this without using JavaScript? (View the Fiddle)

It appears that the only way to eliminate the :hover state is by focusing on another element or hovering over something else.

Answer №1

Unfortunately, hover states may not work properly on certain mobile devices due to the limitations of hovering over elements. In order to achieve desired effects, consider using JavaScript instead.

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