The horizontal scrollbar in Chrome is unexpectedly activated, despite elements being set to occupy the full screen width (100vw) using Tailwind and NextJS 13.4+

It took some time to identify the root cause of this issue within a larger project. Hopefully, this Question and Answer will be beneficial to someone else.

Here is the scenario -- in a NextJS/Tailwind project, there is only one large vertical element on the screen with its width set using Tailwind's w-screen, which translates to width: 100vw; in CSS.

These questions have emerged:

  • If the width is specified as 100vw, why is the horizontal scrollbar appearing?
  • Is NextJS/Tailwind's default behavior adding any margins/padding silently that I need to take into account?
  • Do I need to manually define something globally like 'box-sizing: border-box';`

Below is the code snippet for better clarity: (I used simplified code to isolate the problem.)

'use client'
import React from 'react';

export default function Page(props) {

return (
    <div className='w-screen'>
      <div className='bg-blue-500'>
        /* Repeat ASDF lines for brevity */

Answer №1

In short, this behavior is expected.
The vertical scrollbar appearing takes up horizontal space, triggering the horizontal scroll.

Specifically, w-screen is equivalent to width: 100vw;, with no additional horizontal width, padding, or margin added.

Here's what's happening: The large div causes the vertical scrollbar as anticipated.

The vertical scrollbar consumes some horizontal width, reducing the available horizontal space for the div element to display in. This leads to triggering the overflow-x/horizontal scrollbar.

This setup creates a horizontal bar:

  • <div className="w-screen">

These options prevent the horizontal bar from appearing:

  • <div className="">
  • <div className="w-full">
    //width: 100%;
  • <div className="max-w-full">
    //max-width: 100%;
  • <div className="max-w-screen-2xl">
    //max-width: 1536px;
  • <div className="max-w-7xl">
    //max-width: 80rem; 1280px

Additionally, these options may work but are less relevant if the element does not span the entire screen (no horizontal bar):

  • <div className="max-x-max">
    //max-width: max-content;
  • <div className="max-w-fit">
    //max-width: fit-content;

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