The horizontal scroll menu transition in CSS is choppy and lacks smoothness

My goal is to create a seamless transition for the menu. However, when clicking the arrows, the 2nd div appears at the bottom of the 1st div, causing a choppy effect. Below is the code I am currently using:

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Answer №1

If you want your code to function properly, you will need to make some basic changes to the CSS. Modify your CSS as shown below:

.btn-arrow {
    display: inline-block;
    text-align: center;
.effects-list {
    text-align: center;
.col-xs-4 {

To ensure that the class .col-xs-4 has a minimum height of 20px, it is essential for the jquery function to set the sliding element to position absolute. If you force it to be relative, all child elements in the divs will be absolute elements, causing them not to acquire space within the parent div. This results in the parent div's content being considered empty, with a height of 0px, and nothing will be displayed within the div. Setting the minimum height resolves this issue.

Another approach would be to add white space to the parent div like so:

<div class="col-xs-4" id="effects_menu">&nbsp;</div>

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