The hidden visibility feature only activates when the mouse is in motion

visibility: hidden doesn't take effect until the mouse is moved.

const link = document.getElementById("link");

      link.onclick = (event) => { = "hidden"; = "none";

<a id="link" href="http://localhost">home</a>

I want to remove CSS hover effect on the #link.

If I click on #link without moving the mouse, it still stays hovered (cursor changes to pointer and link appears at the bottom).

Applying display: none would work, but I prefer not to use it in order to utilize transition and opacity.

Answer №1

To resolve the issue, include opacity: 0 in addition to setting visibility to hidden.

link.addEventListener('click', (event) => { = "hidden"; = 0;



In this case, the click event function makes the element's opacity 0 and sets its visibility to hidden upon clicking.

If only visibility: hidden is used, the element will remain visible when hovered over because it technically still exists but is invisible. Adding opacity: 0 ensures complete invisibility without triggering any hover effects.

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