The height problem arises when using Bootstrap 5 flex tables with striping and vertical text centering, as the td element takes on the line-height

Creating a bootstrap table with columns and rows:

<tr class="d-flex">
        <td class="col">Voornaam</td>
        <td class="col">Sean</td>

When trying to center the elements, it looks like this: centered td element with partial background

It seems like the issue lies in the way bootstrap applies the table-striped class. I have tried adjusting the CSS properties without success so far.

I am new to working with bootstrap, any help or guidance is appreciated! Thank you!

Answer №1

The CSS class d-flex is taking precedence over the default display type of <tr>.

To ensure vertical alignment of the <td> elements, you can use the following code:

<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-bordered text-break border-light text-center my-4">
        <td class="align-middle">First Name</td>
        <td class="align-middle">Sean</td>

For further information, you can check out these references:

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