The height of the div is set to zero within the $(document).ready() function

From what I understand, when we write JQuery code inside $(document).ready(), the code will only be executed after the DOM has finished rendering.

I encountered an issue where I was trying to calculate the height of a div inside $(document).ready() but it kept returning zero. Surprisingly, when I ran the same code in the browser's console, it returned the correct height.

The content is being loaded through AngularJS.


$(document).ready(function (){
    // hide view more button if user bio content is less than 200 words
    var userBioLength = $('.userBioText > p').html().split(" ").length;
    if( userBioLength <= 200){

        var textHeight = $(".userBioText").height();
        console.log(textHeight);  // returns 0
        $('.userBioWrapper').css({ height: textHeight + 10 + 'px' });


<div class="userBioWrapper">
    <div class="userBioText">
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
            Id fugiat praesentium molestias aliquam quam cupiditate officiis eligendi dolor repellendus,
            recusandae voluptatem. Iste aliquam itaque rem tempore officia perspiciatis natus molestiae.
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Id fugiat praesentium molestias
            aliquam quam cupiditate officiis eligendi dolor repellendus, recusandae voluptatem.
            Iste aliquam itaque rem tempore officia perspiciatis natus molestiae.
    <div class="userBioOverly"></div>

I'm puzzled by this inconsistency in behavior. Could I possibly be making a mistake somewhere?

Answer №1


The content is not fully rendered, however, the event ready of the document signifies that everything has been downloaded from the server, including the raw HTML.

In the sequence of events, AngularJS actually begins after jQuery's ready state concludes...

If you require a task to be executed after AngularJS has finished processing, you must include a timeout in your controllers or directives; typically, this will function even with a 0ms delay unless an ng-for loop is present.

EDIT: For additional solutions, visit this link (superior to my own suggestions..)

Answer №2

I found success by adjusting the height of the Div using a CSS class. Within the CSS class, I specified the height to be set as auto.

Here is the CSS code:

.unsetHeight { 
    height: auto;

And here is the JQuery script:

 var userBioLength = $('.userBioText > p').html().split(" ").length;
    if( userBioLength<=200){


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