The height of Material-UI Grid item is surpassing the height of its container

I'm encountering an issue with a Grid container that contains 2 Grid items. The height of the second Grid item exceeds the height of the container, causing a scroll bar to appear.

Below is the code snippet for reference:

function App() {
  return (
    <Grid container style={{height: '100%'}}>
      <Grid item xs={12} style={{border: 'solid 1px'}}>

      <Grid item xs={12} style={{height: '100%', border: 'solid 1px'}}>

Visit this link for a live demo.

My question is, how can I ensure that the second Grid item fills the remaining height of its container without exceeding it? What am I missing in my code?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

For a different layout, consider using direction="column",

  style={{ border: "solid 5px", height: "100%" }}
    style={{ border: "solid 1px", backgroundColor: "yellow" }}
    Top Section

    style={{ border: "solid 1px", backgroundColor: "red" }}
    Main Content

Check out the updated Sandbox here

Hopefully this solution is helpful...

Answer №2

Take note that the parent container is overflowing due to the height of the first item. This occurs because 100% height was set for the second item, while there are actually 2 items within the parent container. To avoid having a scrollbar, the total height of the items should be equal or less. Try adjusting the height of the first item to 10% and the second item to 90%. This should make the scrollbar disappear.

Answer №3

Oh gosh, this is really frustrating.

I made some tweaks on the codesandbox to align it more with my perspective on this issue.

According to MDN / Web tech / CSS / max-height, when a percentage value is used, it's interpreted as the maximum height relative to the parent block's height.

I spent quite some time navigating through the dom tree using Chrome dev tools styles debugger, and you can clearly see how the elements sized with vh closer to the top are correct, but then the Mui Grid section has properties like max-height: 100%, height: 3319px

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