The grid expands to cover the entire width of the browser

Hello everyone,

I am a newbie when it comes to JavaScript and CSS. I am in need of a code, whether it be JavaScript or CSS, that will allow me to stretch out a grid layout measuring 5 x 2 along with pictures to completely cover the width of the browser window. For reference, you can check out the middle section of this website: . When you zoom in or out, the grid should adjust to fit the entire width of the browser regardless of the screen size. I understand that using the background-image feature in CSS with the "cover" property can achieve this effect, but it may prove difficult for non-programmers to edit. Here's the information I have gathered so far.

function resizeJqGridWidth(grid_id, div_id, width)
$(window).bind('resize', function() {
    $('#' + grid_id).setGridWidth(width, true); //Resetting to original width
    $('#' + grid_id).setGridWidth($('#' + div_id).width(), true);//Resizing to new width according to window size

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

Are you suggesting utilizing

width: 20%;

For every image? If so, this approach will enable displaying 5 items side by side on the screen. As long as these 5 images together occupy at least the maximum width of your content area, they will fit perfectly and adjust their size accordingly when the screen is resized.

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