The functionality of the input type range with a smaller :active slider can be inconsistent on iOS Safari

In my HTML5 code, I have implemented a range input slider with a smaller handle when the slider is active. This functionality works perfectly across all supported web browsers except for Safari on iOS (specifically tested on an iPhone).

However, in Safari on iOS, changing the width and height CSS attributes in the :active class makes it challenging to manipulate the slider handle to adjust the value. The slider appears active and the size changes, but it becomes unresponsive to finger movements while attempting to slide it.

I have created a CodePen example showcasing two sliders - the top one functions smoothly, while the bottom one occasionally struggles to be manipulated in Safari

Below is the CSS code snippet used:

input[type="range"] {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  width: 100%;
  height: 32px;
  margin-top: 40px;

input[type="range"]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
  background: pink;
  height: 4px;

input[type="range"]::-webkit-slider-thumb {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  height: 56px;
  width: 56px;
  background: pink;
  margin-top: -24px;

input[type="range"]:active::-webkit-slider-thumb {
  height: 56px;
  width: 56px;
  margin-top: -24px;

input.resize[type="range"]:active::-webkit-slider-thumb {
  height: 24px;
  width: 24px;
  margin-top: -10px;
<input type="range" min="0" max="100" step="1"/>
<input class="resize" type="range" min="0" max="100" step="1"/>

Is there a way to achieve the resize effect in Safari as well using only CSS?

Answer №1

Update: I found a workaround for this issue, although it may not be suitable for everyone and qualifies as somewhat of a creative solution. My approach involved making the thumb appear smaller visually without actually reducing its size. By adding a nearly transparent border (or one that matches the background color), you can counterbalance the apparent reduction in size.

This explanation was too lengthy to share in a comment section. Have you managed to resolve the problem at hand? I'm encountering similar difficulties, albeit with a minimalist slider thumb design initially.

Upon reviewing your challenge, I experimented with an unconventional idea: enlarging the slider thumb significantly when active. Surprisingly, this method greatly improves ease of use by enhancing thumb visibility and grabbability.

An important observation worth mentioning is that altering the slider thumb size impacts the slider range and consequently shifts the thumb position accordingly. Enlarging the thumb substantially results in compressing the entire range into a shorter span.

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