The functionality of mouse hover is not functioning properly in Firefox only

After dedicating hours to this, I have identified and isolated the issue below. The first link does not underline on hover in Firefox, while it works perfectly in all other browsers tested. However, the second link functions properly in Firefox as well. Most of the existing HTML on the site follows the same structure, so a fix that applies site-wide would be greatly appreciated.

HTML: (cannot paste code here due to tag removal)

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">
FF test
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<link href="ff.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

        <ul type="disc">

            <a target="_blank" href="">
                <font size="2" color="#b80000"><b>Example Link 1</b></font></a>


            <font size="2" face="Verdana"> 

                example text  example text  example text  example text  example text  example text                  example text  example text  example text  example text  example text  example text                   example text  example text  example text  example text             example text 
                <a target="_blank" href="">
                 <font size="2" face="Verdana" color="#b80000">Example link 2</font>

                  example text  example text  example text  example text  example text  example text                    example text  example text  example text  example text  example text  example text  example text                example text  example text  example                 text  example text .




Edit: Successfully validated without any errors on W3C Validator

Answer №1

Using the <B> tag takes precedence over the styling for text-decoration. To fix this, simply include the following CSS:

a:hover b{text-decoration:underline;}

If there are additional elements that need updating, you can also try:

a:hover > *{text-decoration:underline;}

Answer №2

It seems a bit excessive to me, I prefer using the following code instead:

a{text-decoration:none;} a:hover{text-decoration:underline;}

I can't see any reason why this wouldn't work.

Answer №3

First things first, let's talk about tables for layout - it's time to brush up on your knowledge:

Check out this link for more information

Another helpful resource can be found here

Learn why tables for layout are outdated

Discover the benefits of CSS layouts

Avoid using deprecated <font> tags and opt for CSS and <span> tags for styling.

If your HTML is causing issues, consider switching to <div> tags and CSS for a cleaner layout: View live demo here

Remember that validation is a useful tool but not always necessary to strive for complete compliance - read more about it here: Validation guidelines

Answer №4

In Firefox 3.6 on Mac, I am able to see the underline effect when hovering over both visited and unvisited links.

One way to improve your CSS code, as suggested by Alex Thomas, is to make it more concise. Since all link states have the same color except for the :hover state which has an underline effect, you can simplify by duplicating the color rule in your CSS:

Google Docs may provide outdated HTML with color stated within font tags. To ensure that the :hover underline appears in the correct color, consider using the following CSS:

a {
color: #b80000;
a:hover{ text-decoration:underline;}

Answer №5

It seems like there might be an issue with the text-decoration: underline; CSS rule specifically in Firefox version 3.6. I do know that it works properly in version 7.0, but unfortunately, I am not sure when the fix was implemented.

Which specific version of Firefox are you currently using?

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