The function $(window).scrollTop(); does not trigger fast enough

I have been working on creating a header that shrinks as you scroll down, stopping at a certain point. The header also includes a logo that moves up with it.

However, I'm facing an issue where $(window).scrollTop(); doesn't respond quickly enough. If you scroll too fast, the logo may end up outside of the header or the header may be slightly oversized.

I'm struggling to find a better solution for this. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the code I currently have:

var widgets = {
    header: function() {
        var $header = $('.header');
        var $logo = $('.header__title');
        var $headerHeight = $header.height();
        $(window).on('scroll resize', function(event) {
            var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
            var windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();

            if( windowScrollTop < 100) {

            if ( windowScrollTop < 230) {   
                $header.css('height',($headerHeight - windowScrollTop)+'px');

$(document).ready(function() {

You can see an example here:

Answer №1

Make sure to set the final state within the else block for each condition.

if (windowScrollTop < 100) {
    $logo.css('margin-top', '-' + (windowScrollTop) + 'px');
} else {
     $logo.css('margin-top', '-100px');

if (windowScrollTop < 230) {
    $header.css('height', ($headerHeight - windowScrollTop) + 'px');
} else {
    $header.css('height', ($headerHeight - 230) + 'px');

View a demo at

Answer №2

I just made some quick updates and would love to hear your thoughts on them. Check out this fiddle for a closer look...

The main change I made is in the script section:

if (windowScrollTop >= 100) {
    $logo.css('margin-top', '-100px');

This code ensures that when the scroll position reaches or exceeds 100, the logo moves to its desired position. It also resets back to the original position when at the top.

In addition, I adjusted some CSS to move your primary content down by 312px. Take a look and see if it fits your needs. While not essential right now, it may be helpful based on your current layout.

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