The function of style.marginRight differs from that of style.marginLeft

One function aligns content to the left while the other doesn't align it to the right

function openNavLeft() {
  document.getElementById("mySidenavLeft").style.width = "100vw";
  document.getElementById("main").style.marginLeft = "100vw";

function openNavRight() {
  document.getElementById("mySidenavRight").style.width = "100vw";
  document.getElementById("main").style.marginRight = "100vw";

I'm wondering why these functions are not working as expected. What should I change?

Answer №1

Imagine you have a webpage and you decide to add a margin to the left of an element such as a div.

As per usual, without any margin, the div will be aligned closely to the left due to the language's left-to-right nature.

However, if you introduce a left margin, it shifts the div towards the right side since the space on the left is now occupied.

On the contrary, placing a margin on the right merely adds extra space after the div without affecting its positioning.

If there are other elements taking up space before the div, a right margin won't force them to move aside.

To enhance my explanation, I included a simple diagram below:

|       WEBPAGE      |
|                    |
|[div]               |
|                    |
|[   Left Margin    ]|[div]
|                    |
|[div][ Right Margin |    ]
|                    |
|[img][div][   Right | Margin ]
|                    |

Hope that clarifies things! 🙂

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