The full screen menu is exclusively displayed in the navigation bar

My HTML and CSS code is causing an issue where the full-screen menu only appears in the nav bar. This problem seems to be specific to Safari.

To solve the issue, I need to remove the following code:

.nav {
      position: fixed;

However, I still want the nav bar to remain fixed at the top of the page.

.nav {
          font-family: Arial-BoldMT;
          font-size: 16px;
          list-style: none;
          text-align: right;
          padding: 0px 0 0px 0;
          box-shadow:0px 1px 1px #d3d3d3;
          background-color: white;
          width: 100%;
          overflow: auto;
          position: fixed;
          top: 0;

        .nav p {
          float: left;
          margin-left: 40px;
          color: #333333;



Answer №1


This CSS code is incorrect and not valid.

The z-index property must be an integer, either negative or positive. Most browsers will likely treat a decimal value like 0.1 as 0, but Safari may have issues with it. It's recommended to change the value to an integer such as


You can set your overlay to z-index:2 (and you could leave enough space between the numbers in case you need to add more elements later on, for example z-index:100; and z-index:200;)

If you set the element as fixed position with top at 0, it should stick to the top of the page once you correct the z-index problem.

Answer №2

Encountered an issue with

.menu {
display: flex;

This caused the menu to break outside of its container.

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