The font sizes appear larger when styled with HTML compared to using Photoshop

When I view my <nav> element in Chrome, the font size of each list element appears much larger than it was originally designed in Photoshop. The font is displaying 23px wider in Chrome compared to Photoshop, even though my resolution is set at 72dpi and everything else seems to be rendering correctly.

You can check out my jsFiddle to see how it should look like based on this image.

Answer №1

The issue you are experiencing is due to the use of text-transform: uppercase; on your hyperlink elements. This causes each character within the link to be displayed in its capitalized form, which appears larger than the specified font-size of 22px.

An alternative solution is to apply font-variant: small-caps; and remove the capitalized characters from your HTML code:

  <li><a href="#">home</a></li>

Then, implement the following in your CSS:

a { font-variant: small-caps; ..

This should resolve the issue.

Answer №2

In cases where the only difference lies in width, it may pose an issue when defining letter spacing as Photoshop's letter spacing does not directly correspond to CSS values. If this is a concern, you can accurately determine the appropriate letter spacing by dividing the value shown in Photoshop by 1000 and then specifying that result as an em measurement in your CSS.

For example: A letter spacing of 20 in Photoshop would translate to a CSS letter spacing of 0.02em

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