The fine balance between a horizontal <img> and a <div> element

Can't seem to get rid of the thin white line between a black image and a div with a black background on a page where the body background is set to white. I've tried setting border: 0 !important among other things, but it just won't go away.

Any suggestions on how to remove this unwanted line?

Answer №1

One natural solution to this issue is applying border: none; to both the div and the img. Additionally, ensure that the border is not actually a part of the image itself. Another possibility is that there may be an unwanted margin on the div. Lastly, try positioning the div and img directly next to each other without any whitespace.


as opposed to


Answer №2

To resolve the issue, consider using CSS to adjust the image display property to "block." This should correct any alignment problems if the line is not contained within your image or DIV element.

Answer №3

Give it a shot:-


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