The feature for height is not functioning correctly on IOS devices, specifically iPhones

Recently, I designed a website on CodePen which you can view here. My goal was to make it responsive across all platforms, but I encountered an issue specifically with IOS. It seems like a single div covers the entire page on IOS and some height elements are not functioning properly, causing content to not fit correctly.

Despite spending days trying to troubleshoot, I still cannot figure out why the heights and rules are acting differently on IOS.

I attempted to remove the video section, which did reveal most of the page except for the blank white eind section. Adding max-height seemed to improve the situation slightly, but the limitation in vertical space remains unresolved on IOS, making this solution inadequate.

Changing the position property also didn't yield any positive results.

It appears that the height properties are malfunctioning exclusively on IOS. Can anyone assist me in understanding the root cause of this issue?

(JavaScript snippet here)
(CSS code snippet here)

Answer №1

The issue is not with IOS specifically, but rather with responsiveness. By setting a fixed height for each section, they are overlapping on mobile devices.

To fix this, simply set all section heights to height: 100vh.


@media (max-width: 430px){
    .introductie {
    height: 300vh;
    overflow: hidden;

This solution should resolve the problem.

Answer №2

I have discovered the solution I was looking for.

It turned out to be a JS script that automatically determines the window's height and assigns that height to a specific class.

However, that alone didn't solve the issue completely. The heights were more consistent and no longer scattered when I applied height:100%; to the html, body, and section elements.

I implemented media queries based on the max-height for different phone sizes to ensure proper expansion beyond the designated sections.

Visit the website here

The JavaScript solution is as follows:

// Code snippet for setting div height to window height on document ready

    var nVer = navigator.appVersion;
    var nAgt = navigator.userAgent;
    var nameOffset,verOffset,ix;

    if(navigator.platform == 'iPhone' || navigator.platform == 'iPod'){
        if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf('Safari'))!=-1) {
          var mobileSafari = 'Safari';

    //===== FULL HEIGHT =====\\

    if (mobileSafari == 'Safari') { 
        $('.full-height').css('height',(($(window).height()) + 60)+'px');
    } else {

// Additional resizing logic for maintaining correct height on window resize
    if (mobileSafari == 'Safari') { 
        $('.full-height').css('height',(($(window).height()) + 60)+'px');
    } else {

 /* //===== HALF HEIGHT =====\\

    if (mobileSafari == 'Safari') { 
        $('.half-height').css('min-height', (($(window).height() / 2) + 60) + 'px'/2);
    } else {
        $('.half-height').css({'min-height': ($(window).height()/2) +'px'});

    if (mobileSafari == 'Safari') { 
        $('.half-height').css('min-height', (($(window).height()/ 2) + 60) + 'px');
    } else {
        $('.half-height').css({'min-height': ($(window).height()/ 2) + 'px'});

    // Other sizing logics follow here...


And here is the CSS (using SCSS) solution:

// Media queries for various phone sizes
@media (max-height: 736px) {
  .introductie-mobile {
    height: 1200px !important;
    max-height: 1200px;

@media (max-height: 667px) {
  .introductie-mobile {
    height: 1200px !important;
    max-height: 1200px;

@media (max-height: 568px) {
  .introductie-mobile {
    height: 1200px !important;
    max-height: 1200px;

Answer №3

The top black

<div class="video-section">
adjusts to full height on any device, including iPhones, so the issue does not lie with the height itself.

However, on other devices, the next

<div class="sign-up-banner">
shifts dynamically with a parallax effect as you scroll down. Once you have scrolled past the top black
<div class="video-section">
, the entire second
<div class="sign-up-banner">
becomes fully visible due to JavaScript code. Unfortunately, this JavaScript is not functioning properly on iPhones.

Some CSS properties assigned to the <form> within the <div id="coming-soon"> are still being applied, causing the div to remain stuck behind the first one.

To resolve this, you can use the following CSS:

    position: static;
    height: auto;

#mc_embed_signup form{
    position: static !important;
    -ms-transform: none; /* IE 9 */
    -webkit-transform: none; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
    transform: none; 

You may wrap this in a media query to specifically target certain screen sizes and apply it to iPhones like so:

@media only screen 
  and (min-device-width: 320px) 
  and (max-device-width: 568px)
  and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
    //insert your css here

This will apply the specified CSS to iPhone 4 and 4s models. While it may not be foolproof for excluding all other devices, CSS limitations prevent direct targeting of specific devices. For more guidance on media queries for various devices, refer to

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