The div is identified by an ID and a class, but the class is not being utilized by the div

Can someone please explain why the font size, background color, and font weight are not applying to the content in the "welcome" class in this simple HTML/CSS code below?

The DIV has both an ID and a class, yet the styles are not being reflected. Any insights on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

  .welcome {
   font-weight: bold;
   font-size: 50%;
   font-style: oblique;
   background-color: yellow;

  a:hover {
   font-size: 500%;

  #greeting {
    position: absolute;
    top: 200px;
    left: 100px;
    text-align: left;

  p {
    color: green;


<div id="greeting" class=”welcome”>

 Sample Text
 <p>Thank you for coming here!</p>
 <p>Welcome to <a href=”ltu.html”>La Trobe</a></p>
 <p>Thank you for coming here!</p>


Answer №1

It seems like the code you have may have been copied from another source, and the quotation marks used are not the correct ones.

For example, instead of


it should be


The same applies to the other parts of the code as well.

Answer №2

It appears that you have mistakenly used the wrong character to define your class. Instead, you should use either double or single quotes as shown below:

<div id="greeting" class=”welcome”><!--This is incorrect-->
<div id="greeting" class="welcome"><!--Use this--> 
<div id="greeting" class='welcome'><!--Or this one-->

Answer №3

Consider using single quotations (') in place of double quotations ("). It appears that this could be the issue at hand.

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