The Div elements are not displaying properly in the correct size on the responsive webpage

Looking to create a responsive design for a follow page.

Although I've managed to make it work, adding a line at the top of each row is causing layout issues and the Box container is not displaying consistently in size.

I attempted to set up a fiddle example, but for some reason, the design breaks when using this method.

Fiddle Update:

I want my page to look like the image below. How can this be achieved while maintaining responsive design?

  <div class="large-12 content">
        <div class="cover-wrapper">
            <div class="cover-inner">
                    <img src="[img 1]">
        <div class="cover-wrapper">
            <div class="cover-inner">
                    <img src="[img 2]">
        <div class="cover-wrapper">
            <div class="cover-inner">
                    <img src="[img 3]">
        <div class="cover-wrapper">
            <div class="cover-inner">
                    <img src="[img 4]">

Answer №1

There are several custom widths defined for divs that are currently taking precedence over foundation classes.

If you prefer to utilize foundation classes instead, here is a suggested approach: use small-centered and medium-centered classes to center them on the respective screens.

    margin:20px auto;   

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<!--header area-->
<div class="row header "> 
<h1 class="large-12  text-center">Header</h1>   
                        <div class="small-12 medium-6 large-3 columns">
                <img src="[img 1]">
<!--content end-->
<!--footer area-->
 <div class="row footer"><h1 class="large-12 columns text-center ">Footer Section</h1></div>
<!--footer end-->

Ensure you have a row class and organize them according to your requirements using

small-12 medium-6 large-3 columns

If your breakpoints are at 768px, 640px, and 340px, then you will need to adjust the media queries. This can be done through either of the following methods:

1) utilize sass files from foundation and modify breakpoints
2) manually adjust all media queries in the css code

Access the Fiddle link.

View in fullscreen mode

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