The Div element is not expanding to fit the content within it

I am currently incorporating a third-party Angular library for carousel functionality in my application, along with utilizing Angular-Material for layout. However, I have encountered an issue where my <ul></ul> element does not expand to accommodate the content when using this library's directives:

<div layout="row" layout-align="center center" layout-padding style="overflow-x: hidden;
  overflow-y: hidden;">
    <div flex-sm="65" flex="40">
        <ul rn-carousel rn-carousel-transition="hexagon" rn-carousel-buffered
            <li ng-repeat="card in cards">
                    <img  imageonload="setImageLoading(imageLoading)" current-slide="carouselIndex"

Below is the CSS for the carousel component:

input[type=range] {

ul[rn-carousel] {
  white-space: nowrap;
  position: relative;
  -ms-touch-action: pan-y;
  touch-action: pan-y;
  > li {
    backface-visibility: hidden;
    overflow: visible;
    vertical-align: top;
    white-space: normal;

/* prevent flickering when moving buffer */
ul[rn-carousel-buffered] > li {

ul[rn-carousel-transition="hexagon"] {

/* indicators */
div.rn-carousel-indicator span {
  color: #666;
  &.active {
    color: white

/* prev/next controls */
.rn-carousel-control {
  transition: opacity 0.2s ease-out;
  font-size: 2rem;
  position: absolute;
  top: 40%;
  opacity: 0.75;
  cursor: pointer;
  &:hover {
    opacity: 1;

  &.rn-carousel-control-prev {
    left: 0.5em;
    &:before {
      content: "<";

  &.rn-carousel-control-next {
    right: 0.5em;
    &:before {
      content: ">";

Answer №1

From my perspective, it appears that you have utilized "position: absolute" for the >li element. I recommend removing this and instead implementing the float property.

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