The discrepancy in font size behavior between local and production environments is noticeable when using a React-Bootstrap Navbar

My website on Heroku is using <Navbar> from React-bootstrap, but I'm facing an issue where the text within the <Navbar> appears much larger in production compared to locally. Can anyone help me figure out why this might be happening? The text that is not in the <Navbar> appears fine.

I've also inspected the Google Chrome tools and checked the font-size property, which shows that the font size is the same both locally and in production. However, it still looks completely different in terms of size when comparing the two environments.

Answer №1

After some investigation, it was discovered that the problem stemmed from viewing the content on Chrome with a zoomed-in setting via localhost. However, when accessed through the actual website, the zoom level was reset, causing the discrepancy. This issue was promptly resolved by simply zooming out.

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