The CSS will dynamically adjust the width of the DIVs based on the browser size, allowing for more DIVs per

I am currently designing a layout to showcase content blocks side by side in a manner that fills the browser window with DIV blocks.

I recall stumbling upon a CSS-only technique that automatically adjusts the width of each DIV based on the size of the browser window. When there is enough space available, 3 DIVs are displayed per row; however, if the window is narrowed, it switches to 2 DIVs per row, shifting the third down while maintaining an optimal width to fill the window.

I have been attempting to replicate this functionality myself.

Let's say I require a minimum width of 500px. If there is a window width of 1000px, it would show 2 blocks per row. With 1500px, it would display 3 blocks per row, and so forth. The challenge lies in ensuring that the width of each block dynamically adjusts to accurately occupy the available space within the browser window.

I distinctly remember observing this effect functioning without Javascript enabled, leading me to believe that the solution lies within CSS.

Answer №1

Implementing media queries is the solution.

/* To arrange 3 items per row for browser widths of 1024px or more */
@media (min-width: 1024px) {
    .items {
        width: 33.33%;    

/* For displaying 2 items per row on browsers with width between 768px and 1023px */
@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px){
    .items {
        width: 50%;    

/* Show only 1 item per row on browsers with a width of 767px or less */
@media (max-width: 767px){
    .items {
        width: 100%;    

Answer №2

To accomplish your desired layout, consider utilizing media queries.

You can strategically define breakpoints to transition from 1 item per row to 2 items, and then from 2 items to 3, and so forth based on the window width.

Specify widths in percentages so that existing elements will adjust their size according to the available space.

For a 3-item row, set the width to 33%, for 2 items use 50%, and so on depending on your design needs.

If you encounter difficulties with line breaks, consider utilizing nth-child selectors to enforce the desired order.

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