The CSS theme fails to adapt to changes made using jQuery

I encountered a peculiar problem while using a CSS theme with jQuery.

After applying a custom CSS theme to a webpage, everything looked fine. However, when I performed certain operations using jQuery - like checking checkboxes causing others to be checked and disabled - the page still appeared the same. The checked/disabled checkboxes retained their original images after the jQuery actions.

My colleagues suggested that I needed to apply a CSS class after each jQuery operation, such as for every checkbox check/uncheck event.

Is this the expected behavior or am I missing something? I assumed that once the theme was set up, the CSS would remain consistent.

Any suggestions are appreciated...



The code is quite extensive, but I'm attaching the 'uniform-default.css' file and the JavaScript file used for implementing it. Let me know if you require more code snippets.

/* Unique CSS rules go here */

Attached JS file:

// JavaScript code goes here  
(function ($) {
  // Your jQuery function implementation here 

Answer №1

Have you made sure to load the CSS file before the JavaScript?

  <!-- include CSS -->
  <!-- include jQuery -->
Your incredible webpage
<!-- JavaScript that affects the document should be executed after all elements have been rendered -->

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