The CSS styling is not applying correctly to a particular page

Having a minor CSS issue here. I am attempting to change something for a specific page or post, like in the case of wanting to change the background color of the entry content of page number 2458. I've managed to get that working with the following code:

#post-2458 .entry-content {
background-color: #fff;

However, I've encountered an issue when trying to change the background color of col 8 on page 2458 using the same logic. Without #post-2458, it changes but applies to all pages when I only want it to change for the specified ID. The code I used that didn't work:

#post-2458 .col-md-8 {
background-color: #fff;

Is there something I'm missing or did wrong? Any advice on adjusting the code would be greatly appreciated. I'm using a custom CSS plugin to input these codes. Thank you.

Answer №1

Attempt to replace the existing style with the following code:

#post-2458 .col-md-8 {
  background-color: #fff!important;

Answer №2

Consider adding an identifier to the specific div you intend to modify and interact with it directly using the identifier. It is recommended to refrain from using col-md-8 to prevent potential issues. Utilizing an id for singular element modifications holds greater significance than using a class. Avoid using !important whenever possible, and opt for more strategic solutions instead.

Answer №3

If I were in your shoes, here are a few things I would consider:

Try adding !important to see if the issue lies in the style weights.

#post-2458 .col-md-8 {
   background-color: #fff !important;

Go to the inspect tab in your browser and see which styles are overriding yours or which ones you have successfully overridden. Often, you can override other styles by referencing them correctly.

For instance, this may not work:

#post-2458 .col-md-8 {
   background-color: #fff;

However, this could work if you are attempting to override the background-color set by the .col-md-8.sidebar-right reference:

#post-2458 .col-md-8.sidebar-right {
   background-color: #fff;

There are many possibilities to consider, as it can be challenging to provide a definitive solution without access to the website where the issue is occurring. Pay attention to the weights and ensure you are overriding the correct styles. I hope this advice proves to be helpful!

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