The CSS styling for the rows in an Angular Material textarea is unresponsive

I have been working with angular Material design and have implemented a Textarea element. However, I am facing an issue where the height of the Textarea is fixed and cannot be changed. I have tried various solutions without success. How can I adjust the size of the Textarea?

Even after modifying the CSS, the size remains the same and I am unable to change it.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to adjust the height of the Textarea?

<mat-form-field appearance="outline" class="example-full-width">
      <textarea matInput></textarea>

I have also tried the following method which did not resolve the issue:

  <textarea matInput formControlName="description" matTextareaAutosize matAutosizeMinRows=1 matAutosizeMaxRows=5></textarea>

This is the current output from the code

Desired Output

Answer №1

Make sure to include the following:

matAutosizeMinRows=5 matAutosizeMaxRows=20

Adding these parameters will dictate the minimum and maximum number of rows, therefore controlling the height as well.

If you have already attempted the above with no success after editing the question, it is possible that a different CSS is overriding the height of the textarea. Use your developer tools to identify any other CSS affecting the textarea.

Answer №2

Apply the line-height CSS property to a textarea element.

For example:

<div class="input-field">
    <textarea class="description" style="line-height: 20px !important" placeholder="Description"></textarea>

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