The CSS properties of 'hidden' mimic those of 'flex'

On my website, I have a logo that is hidden until the screen reaches a certain size. Despite using both "flex" and "hidden" classes for styling, I am encountering an error suggesting that they do the same thing. Removing either class disrupts the intended functionality of my code. The error does not impact the overall performance, but I'm curious to understand why it's happening and how it can be resolved. This setup utilizes Next.js and Tailwind CSS.

className="w-16 h-16 bg-dark text-light flex items-center justify-center rounded-full text-2xl font-bold border border-solid border-transparent dark:border-light hidden lg:flex"

Answer №1

The issue arises when both the flex and hidden classes are applied at the same breakpoint. In Tailwind, which is mobile-first, these display-related classes get applied simultaneously on the mobile breakpoint. To resolve this error and ensure that the logo only appears up to a specific breakpoint, you can modify your className attribute as shown below:

className="hidden w-16 h-16 bg-dark text-light items-center justify-
center rounded-full text-2xl font-bold border 
border-solid border-transparent dark:border-light lg:flex"

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