The CSS properties intended for ion-button elements are not taking effect

I'm attempting to set a background color when a ion-button is clicked or maintain the ion-ripple effect after it has filled the button in Ionic 4.

I experimented with applying custom CSS states in global.scss, but encountered issues where the active state seemed to be quickly removed right after clicking the button:

ion-button {
    &:active {
        color: red;
    &:visited {
        background-color: black !important; // --background did not have any impact here

I also tried using --background-activated, which technically worked, but did not achieve the desired effect of persisting the ripple background after the button was clicked.

I searched extensively for configuration options related to ion-ripple, but could not find anything that would allow me to make it persistent. One potential solution might involve utilizing the ion-ripple component itself, but I prefer to avoid this route as it would require replacing every instance of ion-button throughout the entire application...

Therefore, I am seeking advice on how to ensure that a generic ion-button retains a background color after it has been clicked?

Answer №1

There's a possibility that you have come across this scenario as well. Upon investigating the ion-ripple component on its source code, it appears to contain a removeRipple function that eliminates the ripple effect after 200 milliseconds. It does not seem to provide an option for customizing this duration to maintain the ripple effect indefinitely.

However, leveraging NgClass might present a potential workaround. Consider implementing something along these lines...

<ion-button (click)="clickAction()" [ngClass]="{'clicked': beenClicked}">
  Change Color When Clicked

export class HomePage {
  beenClicked: boolean = false;

  clickAction() {
    this.beenClicked = true;


.clicked {
  --background: green;

You could opt to transfer the styling to global.scss for universal access, although maintaining the boolean property in each component may still be necessary unless employing a service or state management system to streamline button state maintenance.

I trust this information proves beneficial.

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