The CSS is functioning properly on the local server, however, it is not loading

Feeling a bit overwhelmed... I've been developing an app using and everything was working perfectly (CSS displayed, able to login to Steam and save entries in the database). Exciting stuff! However, when I deployed it to Heroku, things started breaking. The CSS disappeared, I couldn't log in with my Steam account, and only the logo and column names were visible on the page. Trying to log in resulted in a "something went wrong" error. You can see the issue here:

First of all, the entire page should be black but it's showing up as white. I've tried various suggestions found online but nothing seems to work. I attempted switching to the Unicorn webserver and ran rake assets:precompile and rake db:migrate, yet the problem persists. Here are the heroku logs for reference.

 [Logs go here]

Additionally, here is my Gemfile:

[Contents of Gemfile go here]

Thank you in advance for any help or insights. If more information is needed, please let me know as I'm still learning the ropes!

Answer №1

Chances are, your live environment does not have these configurations

config.serve_static_assets = true
config.assets.compile = true

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