The CSS file seems to be ineffective when building Vue in production

In my Vue project, I am using a single file component with a chart module. In order to customize the styles of the chart module's CSS, I created a custom CSS file in the assets folder where I added lines to override certain styles (such as changing the background color from white to dark). Everything works perfectly when running npm run dev locally on localhost.

However, I also have an S3 bucket and use Gitlab CI to update my site with tagged builds. Strangely, after the updates, the customized styles don't seem to be taking effect. I checked the S3 bucket and confirmed that the new lines are present in the generated CSS, but they are not appearing on the site. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

After some troubleshooting, I was able to resolve the issue at hand. It appears that I encountered a similar problem as described in this thread. By generating a production build using the command npm run build, I was able to replicate the issue. To address this, I installed the serve package and launched it to serve the dist folder on localhost:5000:

sudo npm install -g serve
serve -s dist

This allowed me to test different CSS styles without relying on Gitlab CI. The root cause of the problem turned out to be the CSS order; I had to import my custom CSS file within the component instead of main.js and use !important in certain styles.

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