Solving the problem of endless looping in JavaScript tree structures

i have been trying to create a tree structure in JavaScript. However, when I use the add_child function to add a child to an item in the elements array, it adds the child to all items in the elements array and their children, creating an infinite loop.

I am unsure why this is happening.

let divBase = {
  Name: "",
  Type: "div",
  children: [],
  open: false

let elements = [];

let elementCounter = 0;

function add_child(parentName, childName) {
  let parent = findItem(parentName)
  let child = removeItem(childName)


  if (child != null) {
    return true
  return false

// more functions and code...

if i print the elements array it is like this

(5) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]

0 : {Name: 'Div 0', Type: 'div', children: Array(1), backgroundColor: '#2ecc71', width: 200, …}
1 : {Name: 'Div 1', Type: 'div', children: Array(1), backgroundColor: '#2ecc71', width: 200, …} 
2 : {Name: 'Div 2', Type: 'div', children:
> Array(1), backgroundColor: '#2ecc71', width: 200, …}
3 : {Name: 'Div 3', Type: 'div', children: Array(1), backgroundColor: '#2ecc71',
> width: 200, …}
4 : {Name: 'Div 5', Type: 'div', children: Array(1), backgroundColor: '#2ecc71', width: 200, …} length :  5


Answer №1

When working with recursive functions, it is crucial to ensure that they terminate at some point. For instance, in the findItem() function provided, the search continues even after finding the desired node.

An improved version of the code ensures termination upon finding the required value:

function findItem(item) {

  function search(children) {
    for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
      const child = children[i];
      if (child.Name === item) {
        return child; // <-------- return when found
      if (child.children.length !== 0) {
        const inChild = search(child.children);
        if (inChild) return inChild // <-------- return result if found further down
    return null // <------ continue searching

  return search(elements);

The issue of continuous searching without terminating has also been addressed in your findAndRemove() function.

I hope this clarification helps!

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