The combination of HTML, CSS, and vertical text margins is essential for creating visually

Looking for some guidance on how html text and margins work? If there's a good online reference you can point me to, I'd greatly appreciate it!

I'm currently struggling with setting precise margins for text. In the example below, there's an image followed by a div containing text and more text below the div. Despite having all other margins set to 0, the margins for this div are supposed to be 10px top and bottom, and 0 left and right. Strangely, it ends up being 16px at the top and 14px at the bottom. While I could adjust the margin definitions to correct this error, I'm more interested in understanding what's causing it instead of just addressing the symptoms.

<img src="images/temp/img.png" />

The style for the div is as follows:

div {
    margin:10px 0;

Example image:


I realize my explanation may have been unclear. The margin is indeed set to 10px according to tools like Firebug. However, because of the way fonts are rendered, the text box ends up being larger than the actual size of the text itself. This discrepancy results in a visual margin that appears larger than the defined margin (which can be measured accurately using software like Photoshop). I'm seeking information on the relationship between text box size and actual size to properly define margins.

Answer №1

The reason behind this is that the font does not utilize the full height available. An improved method, although not flawless, would be to highlight the text and evaluate the margins between the dark border and the highlighted box. This applies to the text below 'testing' as well, as it will consume a portion of those 14px.

Answer №2

I am unable to replicate the issue you are experiencing. Would you be able to recreate the problematic scenario using and share it with us?

Additionally, there seem to be some issues with your CSS. The specified 9px height on the div is not accurate as it is at least 20px high due to margins. It's worth noting that specifying line height does not impact the font size but rather the spacing between lines of text (which doesn't apply in this case).

Lastly, how did you measure the margins (16 & 14px)? Did you use an image editor? It might be more helpful to utilize tools like Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools for a more accurate measurement.

Answer №3

Seems to be working well

I have included some background colors to visualize the box positioning:

There is a clear 10px space between the boxes. It seems like the additional spacing might be due to the image or the text inside the Click Here link, both of which do not have corresponding CSS rules applied.

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