The color of the text on the Homepage appears differently on iOS Safari

At the top of my homepage, I have displayed the company phone number with white text color. It appears correctly as white on my desktop browsers (Firefox and Chrome), also on my Droid phone, but shows up as dark gray on my iOS phone using Safari. Why is there a difference in the text color display on Safari? What could be causing Safari to show a different color for the phone number text compared to what is shown on my desktop browsers and Droid phone? Below is the HTML code I used:

<div class="col-md-9">
   <ul class="some-info font-montserrat">
      <li><i class="fa fa-phone"></i> +1 888-555-5555</li>

This is the CSS I applied:

 .top-bar .some-info li {

.top-bar .some-info li i {

Answer №1

The explanation behind this phenomenon is that on iOS, the phone automatically converts a number into a clickable link for easy calling access. To remedy this issue, one can insert a hyperlink and adjust its style to appear as white text.

Another solution would be to include the following CSS code:

.top-bar .some-info li a {color:white!important;}

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