In Safari, the md-switch displays a yellow section on the md-thumb when toggled. However, other browsers handle the switch without any issues. The md-bar appears fine, but the md-thumb is yellow. I have tried setting everything to the blue color I am using...
md-switch .md-thumb {
background-color: #29b6f6 !important;
color: #29b6f6 !important;
} .md-thumb {
background-color: #29b6f6 !important;
color: #29b6f6 !important;
md-switch[disabled] .md-thumb {
background-color: #29b6f6 !important;
color: #29b6f6 !important;
<md-switch ng-model="orgAdminSwitch" class="md-primary" ng-change="orgAdminChanged(orgAdminSwitch)" ng-show="isAdmin" aria-label="Org Admin Switch" style="float: right;"></md-switch>
Unfortunately, this only dimmed the yellow color. The yellow is still visible, and this issue only occurs in Safari when the switch is toggled on or off. Any suggestions on how to completely remove this yellow color?