The clash of names between tags and classes in Tumblr themes can cause conflicts

I have discovered a method to customize the style of different posts based on their respective "#tags" using {TagsAsClasses}:

<div class="post {TagsAsClasses}">

div.tag {
    /* customize styling here */

While this approach works well, I encountered an issue when the theme already had a class with styling that overlapped with a tag of the same name. For instance, the theme uses the class ".cover", and a post has the tag "#cover".

Typically, I would simply modify the class name to resolve this conflict. However, as I aim to implement this solution for approximately 65 students, I must establish specific tags that will impact the styling consistently.

Answer №1

To prevent any clashes between the styling classes in your theme and the tag classes in your posts, consider adding a prefix to your tag classes.

For instance, rather than using {TagsAsClasses}, you can use:

<div class="post {block:Tags}tag-{PlaintextTag} {/block:Tags}">

By adding the "Plaintext" prefix, you ensure that the theme variable {Tag} can be safely included in HTML attributes.

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