The challenges of utilizing breakpoints effectively within Tailwind CSS

So here's the issue. I've gone through various other queries related to this problem but haven't found a solution yet. Tailwind seems to be functioning well except for breakpoints.

This is what I have in the head

 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />

And here's my tailwind.config (even tried adding custom breakpoints, still no luck)

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
    content: ["./*.{html,js}"],
    theme: {
        extend: {
            colors: {
                "marine-blue": "hsl(213, 96%, 18%)",
                "purplish-blue": "hsl(243, 100%, 62%)",
                "pastel-blue": "hsl(228, 100%, 84%)",
                "light-blue": "hsl(206, 94%, 87%)",
                "strawberry-red": "hsl(354, 84%, 57%)",
                "cool-gray": "hsl(231, 11%, 63%)",
                "light-gray": "hsl(229, 24%, 87%)",
                "magnolia": "hsl(217, 100%, 97%)",
                "alabaster": "hsl(231, 100%, 99%)",
                "white": "hsl(0, 0%, 100%)",
            fontFamily: {
                ubuntu: ["Ubuntu", "sans-serif"],
    plugins: [],

The base code works fine

 <div class="container w-full relative z-10">
                    alt="sidebar image"
                    class="absolute w-full z-10 max-h-[180px]"

Adding a hidden class also works as expected

 <div class="container w-full relative z-10 hidden">
                    alt="sidebar image"
                    class="absolute w-full z-10 max-h-[180px]"

But when trying to use breakpoints like sm:hidden, it doesn't work

 <div class="container w-full relative z-10 sm:hidden">
                    alt="sidebar image"
                    class="absolute w-full z-10 max-h-[180px]"

The breakpoint tags just don't seem to execute properly

  <div class="container w-full relative z-10 hidden md:block">
                    alt="sidebar image"
                    class="absolute w-full z-10 max-h-[180px]"

Regardless of how I resize the browser or use Chrome inspector, the xs, sm, md, lg, xl breakpoints simply do not work. Removing the breakpoints works fine though.

I've tried closing and reopening VS Code, restarting the --watch command for Tailwind, tested in both Chrome and Firefox, but the breakpoints continue to malfunction.

Answer №1

I completely empathize with your situation and I will simplify the concept of tailwind breakpoints for you.

Let's take a look at the different breakpoints available: xs, sm, md, lg, xl, etc.

To incorporate these breakpoints, manually insert them into your tailwind.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    screens: {
      sm: "640px",
      md: "768px",
      lg: "1024px",
      xl: "1280px",

For Example

<p class="text-md xs:text-lg sm:text-2xl md:text-3xl lg:text-4xl xl:text-5xl"> 

In the code snippet above, we are adjusting the font size of Hello when each breakpoint is reached. Additionally, note that text-md is used as the default font size before reaching xs.

To implement this in your project and address the current issue, specify the breakpoint at which you want the content to be displayed.

For example, the following code segment indicates that an image will only appear once the xl breakpoint is reached, remaining hidden on anything below xl:

class="hidden xl:block"

The Resolution

 <div class="container w-full relative z-10 hidden xl:block">
          alt="sidebar image"
          class="absolute w-full z-10 max-h-[180px]"

Answer №2

After completely eliminating Tailwind from the project and erasing all traces of its files and code, a reinstallation successfully resolved the issue at hand. The exact cause behind the malfunction remains unknown. Despite creating fresh index.html and CSS files while meticulously verifying all links and code beforehand, Tailwind failed to operate properly until undergoing a complete removal and reinstallation process.

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