The capacity to rotate div containers, adjust their dimensions, and engage with the content within

I'm attempting to design small clickable div boxes that flip 180° when clicked to reveal interactive content. This includes the ability to click links, copy text, or manipulate the content with additional buttons.

Although I've successfully achieved this effect, my question is: Is there a more efficient way to accomplish it?

I came across a basic example on this website, but since it's CSS-based, the content on the flipped side lacks interactivity.

Below is the code snippet:


<div id="saos">
    <div id="pg1" style="display:none;">
        Yay content.
    <div id="pg2" style="display:none;">
        More content.


.write {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100px;
    height: 50px;
    background: #0055ff;
    -webkit-transition: all 1.5s cubic-bezier(.08, 1, .08, 1);


var htmlString = '<div class="f an write" style="top: 10px;" name="Home" onClick="openTab(\'pg1\',\'0\')"><p>Home</p></div>\n'
htmlString += '<div class="f an write" style="top: 65px;" name="About" onClick="openTab(\'pg2\',\'1\')"><p>About</p></div>\n'

function openTab(id, n){
    for (var i=0;i<write.length;i++){
        write[i].className = 'f an write';    
        write[i] = i*55+10+'px';

var id2 = document.getElementById('2'),
    x = document.getElementsByClassName('x')[0];

A JSFiddle was created for this as well (JSFiddle link here), although it appears to be non-functional there compared to how it operates in my local browser.

Answer №1

To accomplish this task, you can use just a few lines of Javascript code. The example provided by Rich Bradshaw serves as a great foundation for this functionality.

Instead of triggering the flip effect on hover using CSS selectors, I integrated a brief snippet of JavaScript - specifically jQuery, but regular JS would suffice as well - to apply the necessary class upon clicking. The result is quite smooth and efficient...

View jsFiddle Demo

I also achieved making the back face clickable (similar to the mentioned demo) so it fulfills all your requirements.

This method allows for simplified HTML structure:

<div id="f1_container">
    <div id="f1_card" class="shadow">
        <div class="front face">
            <img src="" />
        <div class="back face center">
            <p>This feature enhances displaying additional information about an image.</p>
            <p>It accommodates various content options.</p>
            <p>Even interactive elements like
                <a href="">links</a></p>

The corresponding JavaScript is as follows:

$('#f1_container').click(function() {

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