The Bootstrap div is failing to resize proportionately

Although frontend development is not my expertise, I find myself needing to make adjustments to a Bootstrap-based website. I have been tweaking the heights of a specific div that is defined as follows:


<div class="cover-container d-flex w-100 h-100 p-3 mx-auto flex-column">


.cover-container {
  max-width: 42em;

Modifying the max-width in the CSS has successfully altered the shape of the div as desired, but decreasing the h-100 is causing an unexpected result. Even a small adjustment such as changing h-100 to h-99 results in a significant increase in height. Any thoughts on what might be happening and how to make gradual changes?

Answer №1

Bootstrap doesn't recognize the h-99 class, so it will not apply any styles associated with it. Essentially, using h-99 is the same as not using any h-** class at all. Bootstrap only supports predefined sizes like 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% (source). If you need a custom size like 99%, you will have to create your own class. For example, to create a class for 99% height, you would write:

.h-99 {
  height: 99% !important;

If you have already created the custom class but it's not taking effect (leading you to use max-width instead), ensure that your custom style is not being overridden by another. Place your class at the end of the class="" attribute, or use the !important declaration at the end of the height property in your CSS. While using !important can be helpful, it can also cause issues when trying to override styles later on, so it's best to use it sparingly.

In addition, remember that specifying height: 25%; may not work as expected if the parent element does not have a defined position. In such cases, adding position: relative; to the parent element can resolve the issue by making the height relative to that parent element.

To make an element take up 25% of the viewport height, you can use CSS viewport units with height: 25vh; (where vh stands for viewport height).

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