The Bootstrap CSS styles seem to be malfunctioning following the upgrade from Angular 4 to Angular 5

Developed a Single Page Application with Angular 4 and .NET Core 2, integrated with Bootstrap for styling.

However, upon upgrading from Angular 4 to Angular 5, the Bootstrap styling disappeared. It seems that the bootstrap.css file is not being loaded correctly.

Answer №1

You've successfully included Bootstrap 4 in your package.json as per your previous message:

This is the entry for Bootstrap in my package.json ("bootstrap": "^4.0.0-beta.3",)

Did you previously have a different version of Bootstrap (such as Bootstrap 3 or even Bootstrap 4 beta 2)? There have been significant changes between Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4, as well as among different beta versions of Bootstrap 4. Please refer to Bootstrap's migration documentation: [Migrating to v4 - Bootstrap][1]

If you prefer to stick with Bootstrap 3, you can continue using the following links:

Answer №2

Appreciate the help RusselD! It turns out that the problem was caused by some classes from Bootstrap 3 that are no longer supported in Bootstrap 4. Once I adjusted them accordingly, everything started working again. Big thank you to everyone for the prompt responses. Much appreciated!

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