The benefits of utilizing `calc()` compared to `transform` for positioning elements

When deciding between using calc() or the transform property for placing an element, is there a specific reason to choose one over the other when the size of the element is already known?

For instance...

.element {
  bottom: 100%;
  transform: translateY(-9px);

Yields the same outcome as:

.element {
  bottom: calc(100% + 9px);

If the size of the element is known, I can see the benefits of using either method. However, in cases where the size is unknown, using transform seems more suitable.

"calc() requires only one line, whereas transform needs two lines"

That makes sense. But in scenarios where adjustments are required along both axes and the initial size isn't known, combining translateY() and translateX() with transform could actually reduce the number of lines used.

"Consider browser support"

Let's assume that both solutions have full browser support.

Is there a standard guideline or performance aspect that would indicate one approach is superior to the other?

Answer №1

transform is like a powerful entity with the ability to perform complex tasks beyond basic translations.

This power, however, comes with some side effects such as establishing a container for its child elements, even if they are set in a fixed position!

So, as a general guideline, if you only need simple translations, it might be better to steer clear of using transform. Instead, consider options like calc(), margins, and other alternatives.

Answer №2

Interactions between different transforms can impact how elements are displayed, leading to variations in the final rendering. For example, when applying the perspective transform, any subsequent transforms like translateY() will be influenced by that perspective setting. This means that the element will be transformed based on the defined vanishing point within the perspective.

In contrast, using calc() for positioning will not be affected by any set perspective. The element's placement on the page will remain independent of the perspective setting. Although this distinction may seem subtle, it can impact the visual outcome.

If you are not utilizing a 3D transform such as perspective, or if translate() is your sole transform, the differences in rendering may not be noticeable.

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