The background image fails to load the specified image

I am encountering an issue with utilizing background-image in the style of my HTML page. I am currently developing a login page for my Django application, and when I preview the page, the background image does not appear. Strangely, this code was functioning correctly yesterday but is now facing issues.

To avoid any path-related problems, I have intentionally stored both the image and file within the same folder.

Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this?

Answer №1

It's possible that this solution may work, but I recommend giving it a try.

Consider modifying

background-image: url('homepage.jpg')


background-image: url('../directory/homepage.jpg')

There could still be an issue with the file path that needs to be addressed.

Answer №2

At long last, I successfully established the content directory and added this background image style:

background-image: url('../../static/app/content/login.jpg');

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