The automatic CSS cookie bar functions smoothly, but could benefit from a small delay

I successfully added a pure CSS cookie bar to my website, but there is a slight issue. When entering the site, the cookie bar is the first thing that appears, and then it goes up and down before settling at the end.

How can I make my cookie bar only go down when I enter the site? I've tried adjusting the animation delay and adding set timeouts, but nothing seems to work!

You can view the original codepen to see what I want to change:

Here is my code:

<input class="checkbox-cb" id="checkbox-cb" type="checkbox" />
<div class="cookie-bar">

<div class="message">
This website uses cookies to give you an incredible experience. By using 
this website you agree to the
<div class="buttoncookies-container">
<a style="letter-spacing: 1px;" class="buttoncookies" id="modalcookieslinken" onclick="toggleOverlay()">terms</a>

<div class="mobile">
This website uses cookies, 
<div class="buttoncookies-container">
<a style="letter-spacing: 1px;" class="buttoncookies" id="modalcookiesshortlink" onclick="toggleOverlay()">
learn more

<label for="checkbox-cb" class="close-cb">X</label>


Here is my CSS:

.cookie-bar { z-index:9996; position: fixed; width: 100%; top: 0; right: 0; left: 0; height: auto; padding: 20px;  line-height:20px; text-align: center; background: #d2c6af; transition: .8s; animation: slideIn .8s; animation-delay: .8s; display: inline-block; }

.mobile { display: none; }

@keyframes slideIn { 0% { transform: translateY(-1000px); }  100% { transform: translateY(0); } }

.close-cb { border: none; background: none; position: absolute; display: inline-block; right: 20px; top: 10px; cursor: pointer; }

.close-cb:hover { color:#fff;; }

.checkbox-cb { display: none;}  

#checkbox-cb:checked + .cookie-bar { transform: translateY(-1000px); }

Answer №1

By eliminating the line in the CSS code that states animation-delay: .8s; you will achieve the desired outcome

Extend the duration of the animation.

animation: slideIn 4s;

Additionally, incorporate a little flair to the animation sequence:

0% {
  transform: translateY(-50px);
50% {
  transform: translateY(-50px);
100% {
  transform: translateY(0);

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